Despite significant advancements in cybersecurity, there has been a steady rise in cyber-attacks. These attacks constantly evolve, creating a need for new ways businesses must protect themselves. To defend against these attacks, most companies now employ a...

Despite significant advancements in cybersecurity, there has been a steady rise in cyber-attacks. These attacks constantly evolve, creating a need for new ways businesses must protect themselves. To defend against these attacks, most companies now employ a multi-factor authentication (MFA) system as a security measure.

What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Multi-Factor Authentication is an extra layer of protection used to safeguard accounts from unauthorized access. Along with a username and password, users must enter a code sent via email, SMS, a voice call, or key fob hardware when logging into an account.

Hackers are Bypassing MFA

While MFA is an additional barrier against attackers, hackers have found ways to bypass the security measure. There has been an increased number of successful attacks where two-factor (2FA) or multi-factor authentication (MFA) has been in place.

Thankfully, several steps can be taken to defend against MFA hacking attempts.

Here are a few things to consider when strengthening the business’s defense against MFA hacking attacks:

How to Defend Against MFA Hacking Attacks

Layer Defense Systems

Multi-Factor Authentication is a great security feature to have in place. Still, assuming MFA alone will protect the business is not safe. Layering defense systems is the best way to stay ahead of hackers.

For instance, opt for adaptive or continuous authentication measures, where users must verify their identity regularly.

Don’t Cut Corners

The key to maximum security is to cover every entry point, not just the obvious ones. Any entry points left open without MFA will be the weakest link in the security system that hackers may exploit.

A holistic approach to security is far more successful than a targeted one. Covering all the bases denies access to hackers.

Don’t Assume Things are Secure

It’s easy to assume that they are safe if a business has any security measures in place. However, hackers are known to capitalize on mistakes in systems or behavior. Most attacks occur because companies get comfortable and let their guard down.

The best way to stop an attack is to be ahead of it. Keep a watchful eye out for any suspicious activity. If something seems strange, investigate.

Implement Regular Security Checks

Having the best defense systems in place is not enough. Companies should implement routine security checks to help identify any issues proactively so they’re addressed immediately.

Train Employees

Employees are just as vital to cyber-security as defense systems. Training employees on how they can operate securely is critical. Their ability to spot and flag suspicious behavior could be the difference between preventing and recovering from an attack.

Cyber Security is an Ongoing Battle

Cybersecurity is crucial to business operations. A successful attack could have devastating effects on a business. Security measures, like Multi-Factor Authentication, can help to protect against these attacks. However, they are not enough to protect from hackers. Companies must implement other security measures, like layering defense systems and training employees on cybersecurity.

Have questions about strengthening cybersecurity or implementing MFA security? Our IT experts are here to help. Contact us.